The Perfect Day
Do perfect days exist? Is perfection measured in moments, hours, days or longer? Do we have perfect seasons? Could we have perfect days or seasons and not realize it until it is over? Why do we strive for perfection in our creations so much anyway? I have loads of questions without very many answers, like normal.
But let’s dig in and try to find a few answers….
One day I found myself sitting by a beautiful pond drawing in my sketchbook and writing this blog post.
A perfect day could mean so many things to so many of us. My perfect day may sound like a complete bore to you or your idea of a perfect day may be completely crazy sounding to me. But truly what makes a perfect day? Does the day have to be complete perfection or could it be mostly a good day?
A perfect moment camping about 5 years ago and my daughters hanging out in their own tent.
As I think about a perfect day, I can think of lots of things that could take place to make a day perfect. I have made a list and though it is not exhaustive, I believe it captures the best of my days.
Before I list out my ideas of a perfect day, I am struck that I am thinking in past tense. These are the perfect days I have had. Maybe other things can happen in the future that I don’t even know about yet that I would consider adding to my list. It’s complicated!
Activities that may make a perfect day for me:
(These activities are in no order)
Cooking a comfort meal at home
Hiking a scenic trail
A bike ride (without falling)
Eating a home cooked meal
Relaxing with my husband Jeff and daughters
Going to Hobby Lobby with my Mom
Walking with my Dad in his garden
Visiting historic places with my in-laws
A boat ride of any kind
Swimming on a hot day
Running with my friend
Writing cards and letters
Creating some sort of art work
Teaching curious students art making techniques
Laughing at funny stories
Reading for pleasure or personal interest
Car ride on the Blue Ridge Parkway
Watching my daughters do what they love
Planting flower and vegetable seeds
Cutting the grass (Yes! I love grass cutting)
Nap on the couch
A meal I made that I was so excited about!
Just recently, I was at home and it was a rainy Saturday. Let me set the scene; I had on what my husband calls “soft clothes”, there was football playing on the tv, a little rain noise coming through the cracked door and I was cooking a yummy meal. It was relaxing, ahhhhhh….. not rushed or busy. It was a perfect day and I am thankful for it.
The truth is many days are rushed, hectic, heavy with tasks and responsibilities. Many days are already filled with boxes to check off and before we know it, the rush of life is swirling around us. But it’s the perfect days I want to acknowledge and say here to remind myself that perfection lives in the moments of each day. Sure perfect days happen from time to time, but recognizing the perfect moments that happen each and every day will carry us along the thread of joyful days as we go through life.
The list above are things that make a happy corner in my mind.
I captured a honey bee at work. I can’t stop taking pictures when I see bees on my flowers - I love it!
Coloring Page of the Month
September Squares
I love squares! Enjoy these grids and short activities on this interactive coloring page.
Another month has come and gone with lots of perfect moments woven in and out of each day. But I cannot go without saying that all days cannot be perfect, not even close and I know that too. Those days where you cannot figure out what went wrong or how everything became unraveled. Days when you are just putting one foot in front of the other, one moment at a time…literally. It’s those days I lean on others and just hang on for the storm to pass. No matter where you find yourself, either in the clouds happy as can be or under the clouds in the rain soaking wet, may you know that you are not alone and this cloud shall pass to perfect moments on the horizon coming your way.
Stay creative out there through all the moments,